Partneringdesk - Deals and alliances in metabolic disease
Released on = April 17, 2007, 12:59 am
Press Release Author = Namrata
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Metabolic disease is a broad term covering those diseases that primarily affect the organs of the metabolic and endocrine system
Press Release Body = Partneringdesk: Deals and alliances in metabolic disease Metabolic disease is a broad term covering those diseases that primarily affect the organs of the metabolic and endocrine system. The primary diseases of the metabolic system include but are not limited to diabetes, obesity, and liver disease/cirrhosis.
In the USA in 2002, diabetes caused 73,249 deaths making it the six leading killer of US citizens. Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is a medical condition commonly associated with an abnormally high level of glucose in the blood stream. There are two types of diabetes:
. Type I - the pancreas releases no insulin at all because the body has destroyed the cells that produce it (islet cells). The patient therefore relies on treatment with insulin
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